To know the effect of Service Quality, On Location Kestrategisan Hospitalized Patient Loyalty RS Muhammadiyah Bandung "To know the effect of Quality of Service, Location Kestrategisan either simultaneously or partially on Patient Loyalty Muhammadiyah Bandung Hospital Inpatient
Fandy Tjiptono (2011 : 259) said that quality is a way Fulfil customer wish and also their need and to tell about the company was to fulfil customer expectation
Said Manahan P.Tampubolon (2014 : 134) Strategi Location use service quality in efisien and efektif service quality for use supplier
But a mean Customer Service A loyal customer is one who makes regular repeat purchases, purchase across product and service lines, refers others and demonstrates an immunity to the pull of the competition
Statistic method that use in this research is inferensial statistic the type or research that use is descriptive verifikatif research, sample used is this research are 120 medical patient at Muhammadiyah Bandung hospital who are on treatment there, and to collect the sample we use Iteratif technic, The analysist tool that we used in this reseach is double regression
Location use influences of no significant as service quality 0,064 value added as mean to change as location in patient loyality and research no generality all population Hospital Muhammadiyah in Bandung, but service quality influences significant 0,061 to medical patient at Muhammadiyah Bandung as mean change variable service quality as patient loyality and influences of generality all population Hospital Muhammadiyah Bandung
From the research about the influences of service quality and location to patient loyality we can take some conclusion about the hospital : servie quality and location in Muhammadiyah Bandung hospital are generally fine and significant. The are significant influence between service quality variable and location variable to patient loyality variable simultaneously. Also there are significant influences between service quality to patient loyality partially
Key Word : Service Quality, location,medical patient loyality
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