• Maria Widyarini, Mrs Parahyangan Catholic University
  • Maria Goretti Pracedis Mogi Parahyangan Catholic University
  • Kevin Grahadian Parahyangan Catholic University
Keywords: Service Quality, Brand Trust, Patient Satisfaction, Gen MZ, Hospital B


According to Law Number 17 of 2023 of the Republic of Indonesia, health efforts, health resources, and health management are required to improve public health to the highest possible standard. Indonesian hospitals should provide patients with a degree of service excellence as supplied by medical, paramedical, and medical support staff. This research aims to understand, explore, and analyze based on empirically investigating the dimensions or attributes of service quality and evaluate the importance of variance attributes for Gen MZ patients at Hospital B. This quantitative study examines the relationship between service quality and brand trust (independent variable) towards patient satisfaction (dependent variable) in Gen MZ at Hospital B. This research was conducted from January to March 7, 2024; it involved 122 Generation MZ patients using non-probability purposive sampling to represent the population. Result shows that the similar levels of satisfaction and trust between Generations M and Z at Hospital B may be due to the hospital's standardized, high-quality services. This consistency ensures that both generations have comparable experiences. Additionally, Hospital B's effective use of technology, such as hospital apps and online medical information access, meets and exceeds the expectations of both groups.

Author Biographies

Maria Widyarini, Mrs, Parahyangan Catholic University

Maria Widyarini is an Associate Professor at the Master of Business Administration Program, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia. She earned her PhD in Management Science. Her research and teaching interests focus on SME, value chain sustainability, operations management, and financial management. She has been a consultant and trainer, specializing in private small and medium enterprises in Indonesia

Maria Goretti Pracedis Mogi, Parahyangan Catholic University

Maria Goretti Pracedis Mogi is a Master of Business Administration student at Parahyangan Catholic University in Indonesia. She serves as a community leader and treasurer of the Notre Dame Pekalongan Foundation

Kevin Grahadian, Parahyangan Catholic University

Kevin Grahadian is a lecturer in the Business Administration Program at Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia. He earned his master's in Industrial Engineering from Parahyangan Catholic University. His research and teaching interests focus on data analytics, business analytics, and operations.


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How to Cite
Widyarini, M., Mogi, M. G., & Grahadian, K. (2024). HOSPITAL SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER TRUST TOWARDS PATIENT SATISFACTION IN GENERATION MZ. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA), 8(3), 1244-1259.