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Al-Hattami, H. M., Hashed, A. A., & Kabra, J. D. (2021). Effect of AIS success on performance measures of SMEs: evidence from Yemen. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 36(1), 144-164.
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Zulkarnaen, W., Fitriani, I., & Yuningsih, N. (2020). Pengembangan Supply Chain Management Dalam Pengelolaan Distribusi Logistik Pemilu Yang Lebih Tepat Jenis, Tepat Jumlah Dan Tepat Waktu Berbasis Human Resources Competency Development Di KPU Jawa Barat. Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi), 4(2), 222-243. https://doi.org/10.31955/mea.vol4.iss2.pp222-243.
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