Pengaruh Arus Kas Dan Laba Tahun Berjalan Terhadap Saham
Studi kasus pada perusahaan Unilever Indonesia, Tbk
This study is useful for analizying the effect of operating cash flow, investment cash flow, funding cash flow and profit for the current year on stock prices in blue chip stocks listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. Sample in this case study is the unilever Indonesian Tbk company listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the periode 2008-2019. The test was carried out using multiple regression test to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The normaly test was carried out using the non parametric statistical test one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S). The classic assumption test in this study uses the multicollinearity test, heterosdasticity test ans autocorrelation test. The basis of this hypothesis can state that operating cash flow, investment cash flow and funding cash flow have no significant effect on stock price while current year profit have a significant effect on stock price. Base on the resultsof the analysis test (F-test) or simultaneous test, the probability of operating cash flow, investment cash flow, funding cash flow and the current year profit variable is the significance level less than 0,005 if (0,000 < 0,005). Meaning that the cash flow is good, then current year’s profit will increase, current year’s profit will have an impact on dividend distribution so that people will look for company share, thus the share price of the company will increase.
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