The potential resources that exist within the mosque are the main assets that are valuable in developing a mosque-based economy. With a mosque-based economic development strategy through human resources, Baitul Maal, ZISWAF funds, and other mosque economic business units, it can be used as a support for the independence of the mosque and the surrounding community. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The results of this study found that the strategic effort to optimize economic resources in the Panyabungan City Mosque which includes three potential areas, namely human resource assets, financial assets and social assets, divided into five aspects, namely; a) Optimization of Physical and Infrastructure Aspects through the field of household and building management. b) Aspects of Religion and Da'wah through the fields of Ketakmiran and Ubudiyah. c) Educational Aspects, through the fields of Education and Youth Formal / informal Education Kuttab Al-Fatih, Student Islamic Boarding Schools and TPQ. d) Economic and Social Aspects of Society, through the Field of Muamalah and Community Services, by establishing economic business units and the infaq and shadaqah movements. e) Aspects of Communication and Information Media, namely socializing all mosque activities.
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