Wijayaland Property has a housing development in the Lawang, Malang area called Bedali Indah. This housing complex has sold 1,300 units, covers an area of 18 hectares, and consists of 4 clusters. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of product quality and customer value on customer satisfaction at Wijayaland Property. The subjects of the study were selected using the purposive sampling method. This study uses a quantitative method, with a questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection. The research was conducted at Bedali Indah Housing, Bedali, Lawang, Kab. Malang, East Java. The research period was from February to June 2024. This study uses the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method with a mediation approach, using SmartPLS software. Data collection procedures were carried out using Google Forms for respondents who met the criteria as research samples. The collected data were then analyzed in-depth using a Likert scale from 1 to 5. The results of this study are: (1) Product Quality has a significant effect on Customer Value, (2) Customer Value has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, (3) Product Quality has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, (4) Product Quality has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Future research is recommended to investigate using other indicators in the Product Quality and Customer Value variables because some indicators of these variables still do not meet the criteria for convergent validity.
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