The service sector is an important sector because of its role as job creation, enchancing competitiveness and having an influence on economic growth in Indonesia, so quality human resources are needed to help companies achieve their goals. Quality human resources concerns employee performance. Factors that can affect employee performance are transformational leadership styles and work discipline. If the company has a transformational leadership style and good work discipline, it will improve the performance of employees who influence the company.
This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership style and work discipline on employee performance at PT Ikimura Indotools Center. This type of research is quantitative and uses descrtiptive analysis method. The data analysis technique used is multiple linier regression alaysis. The sample in this study amounted to 66 people with population of employees of PT Ikimura Indotools Center.
Based on the results of study, it can be concluded that the response of respondents to the variable transformational leadership style with a good category, work discipline variables with a very good category, and employee performance variables with very good categories. Transformational leadership style and work discipline have a significant effect on employee performance at PT Ikimura Indotools Center, both partially and simultaneously.
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