• Agus Winarko Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat
  • Zulkifli Djunaidi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat
Keywords: HFACS-MI, Mining Industry, Accident, Recordable Injury


The mining industry is a high-risk industrial activity. Human factors have been identified as the most common cause of major accidents in the mining industry. The Incident Management System of PT X, which is a company in exploration, mining, processing, and marketing sector of copper, gold and silver concentrate, part of the state-owned mining holding enterprise Mining Industry Indonesia, documented 322 cases of accidents within the 2018-2022 period. This research aims to analyze accident data at PT X using the Human Factor Analysis and Classification System-Mining Industry (HFACS-MI) framework. Methods. This research collected qualitative data for 322 accident cases at PT X in 2018-2022 from the incident management system database categorized as recordable injuries. Factors causing the accident were coded using the HFACS-MI framework. Accident data analysis used descriptive statistics. Results. The study findings revealed that 84% of all accidents involved contractor workers and 16% involved permanent workers at PT X. The results of the analysis using the HFACS-MI framework showed that each layer or level contributes to accidents, namely external factors by 44%, organizational influence by 68%, unsafe leadership by 90%, preconditions for unsafe acts by 99%, and unsafe acts by 99.7%. Conclusion. These findings emphasize the need to reduce the number of human errors during mining operations to reduce the current accident trend. The HFACS-MI framework has proven to be a valuable tool for robust accident analysis of human factors in mining.


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How to Cite
Winarko, A., & Djunaidi, Z. (2024). ANALYSIS OF ACCIDENT DATA AT PT X FOR THE 2018-2022 PERIOD USING THE HFACS-MINING INDUSTRY FRAMEWORK METHOD. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA), 8(2), 130-145.