This research is based on the influence of brand image, brand communication, satisfaction, and brand experience on brand loyalty mediated by brand trust in Innisfree cosmetic products from South Korea in Indonesia which is a cosmetic market with a valuation of USD 737 million in 2019. Through non-technical techniques probability sampling - judgmental sampling, the research sample is a woman with a minimum age of 18 years and using Innisfree brand of cosmetics. The sample size is based on Bahri & Zamzam (2014) which produces 120 samples. The results show that brand image, brand communication, satisfaction, brand experience have a significant effect on Innisfree brand trust. Furthermore, brand trust has a significant influence on Innisfree brand loyalty, when the mediating effect is given in the form of brand trust between brand image and brand loyalty, brand communication with brand loyalty, satisfaction with brand loyalty, and brand experience with brand loyalty provides support so that brand communication can be qualified mediator. This study has limitations, namely the characteristics of the respondents are only women who use Innisfree cosmetics. While it is possible that there are male consumers because Innisfree itself has products that are intended for men. Further research can use male respondents.
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