This empirical study was specifically conducted based on e-government initiatives in Indonesia, especially in the process of providing e-KTP services to the public. The e-KTP service represents an important part of improving and developing e-government practices in Indonesia, which seeks to modernize public administration and make the provision of public services more efficient, accessible, and responsive to citizens. The unit of analysis in this study is the community of users of e-KTP services in the district of West Bogor. With a non-random sampling technique, 87 community users of e-KTP services became respondents who participated in a research conducted for one month in November 2021. The data collected was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis which was carried out to obtain the factor coefficient values. The research findings reveal that of the five dimensions of service quality, only three dimensions, that is ease of use, constancy, and trust were found to be significant in reflecting the quality of e-KTP services. Meanwhile, two other dimensions, interactivity and usability value, were found not to be significant in reflecting the quality of e-KTP services in West Bogor District. The research implication refers to how the prospects for success of government as an actor will depend on what might be described as best practice. Although some areas in a certain city have similar e-government systems, the benefits derived from each system implemented in each region do not always show the same results. The success of e-government cannot be fully confirmed both across regions and boundaries, therefore public sector organizations need to consider the social impact of the quality of e-government especially on how citizens interact with authorized officials and government bureaucratic structures.
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