Alfamart is one of the strongest minimarkets in Indonesia. Tight competition with its competitors means that Alfamart must provide service quality and attractive offers through loyalty programs with the aim of getting loyal customers (customer retention). This research aimed to test whether service quality and loyalty programs influence customer retention, either partially or simultaneously. This research used descriptive quantitative with a sample size of 100 people. The determination of the sample itself used a purposive sampling technique, with the employed method using systematic random sampling. The test used was multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing assisted by SPSS tools. The results of this research showed that service quality had a positive and significant effect on customer retention, as well as loyalty programs, which also had a positive and significant effect on customer retention. Furthermore, service quality and loyalty programs had a positive and significant effect on customer retention. This means that the better the service quality and loyalty program Alfamart provides, the more customer retention will increase. The results of this research will provide an academic contribution regarding the discussion of service quality and loyalty programs and their influence on customer retention. Apart from that, Alfamart's description of applying these three variables can be a discovery for the company and readers.
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